Backends process data and perform calculations on the server side. This is hidden from the user, so we generally access databases, call APIs with API Keys, and perform complex calculations in the backend.
📄️ Express.js
📄️ Flask
JavaScript is not a one-tool-fits-all solution for all projects. Let us say you develop a machine learning model or a computer vision robot in Python. Now, you want to allow users to interact with your prototype through an online interface. The easiest solution would be to use a library such as Flask to turn your existing code into a web app.
📄️ SQL Databases
Relational Databases
📄️ NoSQL Databases
"Not Only SQL" Databases focus on storing documents rather than tables. The SQL apartment example that uses 2 tables can simply be stored in NoSQL as a single list of complex JSON objects/documents. See an example of such a document below.
📄️ Firebase
Google Firebase provides not only a database for storage, but also an accompanying backend that can handle many common tasks.